How to consume Giloy? and Medicinal properties of Giloy Benefit of Giloy and Loss of Giloy

Giloy is a fairly well-known name in Ayurveda, commonly considered as a plant. The plant grows in forests, hills, and shrubs. But people do not know much about Giloy, so it is important that Giloy should reach as many people as possible so that they can be replicated to Giloy.

Giloy is a kind of vine that looks like a plant. Some people also give it the name of medicine. It has many properties, such as: - It cures diseases of the digestive system, stomach, and gas, etc. in the body.

Giloy has been very virtuous since ancient times. Also, Giloy is very beneficial during the rainy season. These are helpful in avoiding bacteria, phosphate, and any type of virus during the rainy season.

How to consume Giloy?

At the present time, a lot of people know about Gilloy's bailiffs. But people do not know how it is used. It is usually taken in three ways. 1 through juice, 2 as powder, 3 as a vine or address.

What time should you consume Giloy?

By taking 4 leaves in the morning, a person gets relief from constipation, other stomach problems, as well as using these leaves daily can cure the diseases like BP, sugar, and chikungunya. The stomach may be saying, Giloy is thus very beneficial for a person's body.

Medicinal properties of Giloy

This medicine also corrects the worst fever.
According to one study, whichever person uses Giloy. So he has been physically fit. And also healthy.
This medicine also cures diseases like phlegm, cold, and chikungunya.
If a person has an anemia problem, then that person should use Giloy's medicine.
Therefore, it is clear that the properties of Giloy are mainly beneficial for the body.

Benefits of Giloy

Giloy generally has considerable advantages. For example, it cures diseases of digestive system, stomach and gas etc. in the body. Similarly, the advantages of Giloy go further.

1. diabetes

According to some scholars, Giloy is a type of plant, which controls sugar, BP etc. It also eliminates all kinds of troubles in the blood.

2. Dengue

Giloy is used as a home remedy to prevent dengue. In case of dengue, the patient suffers from high fever. Which is used to protect Giloy. Which provides energy to the body.

3. Indigestion

If a person is suffering from stomach problems, it is necessary to use Giloy. Only he can remain healthy.

4. Cough

If a person's cough is not correct, then that person should use Giloy. The antiallergic involved in it helps in coughing.

5. Phu

If a person is in fever, he should use Giloy. Because even the worst fever gets cured by this Giloy. Also, with its use, a lot of diseases like - chikungunya, stomach related problems are included, and the problem of malaria etc. is eliminated.

6. Palia

If a person complains of jaundice, then that person should use Giloy. Because this causes jaundice to a great extent. Use of Giloy is corrected very quickly by its addresses in jaundice, so it is important that the use of Giloy is very important for the problem of jaundice.

7. Eye light increases

A person's use of Giloy helps in increasing the light of the eyes. Also, the person has less eye diseases.

Loss of Giloy

If we talk about loss of Giloy, then the loss of Giloy is very less, like - loss of purification system etc. Let's know about Giloy's loss.

1. Having a stomach problem

If a person uses Giloy. So he should keep in mind that childhood, if he has a very serious stomach problem. If it is, it may cause indigestion. Therefore, that person should not use Giloy.

2. Reduced blood sugar level

If one person uses Giloy, they need to keep this in mind. The sugar in sugar has not been less in Banald. If it is, it should not use Giloy.

3. Constipation problem

Giloy is considered to be quite accurate if viewed in terms of refinement. But Giloy can cause stomach upset on some mocos. For example, there is a problem of constipation.

4. Aubium Moon Disorder

If a person is suffering from Giloy, then that person may have an uterine disorder. In which a person may complain of video sickness and anxiety.

6. Prejudice

If a woman is in pregnancy, she should avoid using Giloy. Because it has a very bad effect on the child. Therefore, Giloy should not be used during pregnancy.

7. Surgery and Operation

If a person has had a surgery or operation. So Giloy should not be used at that time, but that person should not use Giloy for 6 months. Because the person has undergone surgery. Therefore, a person should avoid using Giloy during surgery or operation.

8. Arthritis

The effect has been seen that some people may have arthritis of the video ie video disease due to giola. Therefore some people should avoid the use of giole.

The conclusion

Therefore, based on all the above things, we can say that Giloy is a kind of life medicine. But if we talk about its loss then it is known that its loss is equal to no. But still we have talked about Naxan. Such as - Arthritis, constipation problem etc. can cause damage to Giloy.
